A novel pseudo-open-circuit voltage modeling method for accurate state-of-charge estimation of LiFePO4 batteries

Kaixuan Zhang, Rui Xiong*, Qiang Li, Cheng Chen, Jinpeng Tian, Weixiang Shen

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24 Citations (Scopus)


LiFePO4 batteries are widely used in electric vehicles and energy storage due to their high safety. However, their flat voltage characteristics in the middle state of charge (SOC) range make it difficult to correct SOC estimation errors with a feedback mechanism. This study proposes a pseudo-open circuit voltage (OCV) modeling method to improve the performance of a closed-loop feedback correction. First, the relationship between the derivative of OCV and SOC or the slope of OCV, SOC range, and estimation error is analyzed to select the SOC interval for OCV curve construction. Second, a pseudo-OCV curve is established. An optimization algorithm is developed to identify the parameters of the OCV model based on the selected SOC interval and OCV slope, which establishes a pseudo-OCV curve. Third, the pseudo-OCV is compared with the real OCV to adjust the selected interval and further determine the optimal construction interval, then the curves of the pseudo-OCV and real OCV are stitched together to obtain the optimal OCV curve for global SOC estimation. Finally, SOC estimation is carried out using the constructed full pseudo-OCV and compared with the reference SOC obtained from experiments. The results show that the SOC estimation error at the full SOC range is less than 3 %.

Original languageEnglish
Article number121406
JournalApplied Energy
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2023


  • Closed-loop feedback
  • Flat voltage
  • LiFePO battery
  • Pseudo-OCV
  • State of charge


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